
Tuesday, October 16, 2007


My last post was about night riding, and the best thing about that ride was, it was my first full trip on a clipless! WHOA!! I didn't fall down at all!!!!

I've been trying really hard to get a hang on clipless, maybe I've tried too hard, which resulted in falling down twice, twisting my ankle, taking MC for the twisted ankle, a big scar at my knee, and people thinking I went to hospital for that!

The first big mistake I made was being too cautious, always wanting to slot in the cleats perfectly. After a few experiments and observation, I notice the design on the cleats is to assist your entry, thus you do not have to struggle, just contact, push and CLIP!!!

Of course the next problem occurs if you miss the clip. I've fallen once because of that, was at a slope when I miss the entry and didn't know what to do, so fall lor.....

But this problem was solved when I realize, the heel of the shoe contains a small rubber thingy that I can push against the pedal if I miss, go another revolution, then try and clip again!

Whoa, you might ask, all this hassle for? Well the experience is quite exuberating, you will be able to feel the power of each stroke........

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