
Monday, March 13, 2006

Camp 5 rock climbing

It was about 2 months back when we went for rock climbing, a bunch of us. We booked the training course which takes about 4 hours and cost about RM100++. We were thought the very basic of rock climbing, how to tie a knot and so forth.

Here's our trainer...

We got a very cool trainer to start with, good communication skills and he sounds pretty experienced.

We were taught how to wear a harness, he explained that we should treat it like wearing your undies, you know, gentle and make sure your comfortable, especially your valuables, you wouldn't want to lose them. Anyway the valuables means your belongings la, dun hang here and there, keep it properly...

Next up we were treated to some fun with bouldering, which is the very basic of climbing, you know one huge rock there, get to the top, give a victory cry, get some attention, and jump down. Oh yeah once again, please protect your valuables.

Its really important your harness is properly fastened, remember PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES.

Up next was learning how to be a belayer. Its not easy being a belayer you know, having to support your friend who is up there, his/her life DEPENDS ON YOU!!! And the most important thing, his/her VALUABLES IS IN YOUR HANDS!!!!

The most important part of being a belayer is, NEVER LET GO YOUR HANDS and ALWAYS LOCK UP!!! You know as in LOCK UP YOUR VALUABLES! Just incase a snatch theif was nearby.

Alrite, our dear trainer was kind enough to show us his skills!

Well I volunteered to be his belayer......but was thoroughly distracted by some chunted girls climbing, good thing he was a pro, you know, a PRO!

Oh yeah, by the way we spotted a green martian stomping around CAMP5......

Geesh what a stinko man.

So the morale of the story, ALWAYS PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES!


Eng said...

it seems fun but tiring

J@cob & Anne said...

yeap it was fun..too bad i hurt my shoulder...nvm.....come join us next time lol

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.