
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A very very personal post

A lot of things has happened since the last 3 years, things that are not especially pleasant, people are looking at one another, pointing fingers, blaming, judging, bearing false witness, the list goes on and on and on.

Its sad sometimes, but I've learned one thing, and only one;

In this world, you can ultimately only trust 1 person, that person, is the Almighty God. He knows all truth, and in the end He will be our judge.

My family and I have gone through tonnes of such things, yet we have always knew the truth, and stuck to it, why? Because if we haven't, all those years learning about 'The Truth' will be wasted, all those years of sanctification and learning process will be utterly USELESS! It is sad I tell you, I might not be the president, nor some menteri, I'm just a 24 year old boy who has gone through life the very very hard way, not hard financially, not hard physically, but hard spiritually and mentally.

Well some might beg to differ, but try being called a hypocrite, betrayer, and everything bad, yet, you have done absolutely nothing, nothing at all to deserve such treatment. Well, the harsh reality of life, maybe it is God's way of testing us, testing our resolve, our steel in faith. It hurts even more when people who you have nothing to do with starts spilling out lies, judgment, false witness just to irk you, life is just harsh. And it hurts even the more, when friends around you falls for such lies, such judgment, such things without even giving truth a chance.

What can I say, humans are vile, ugly beings, they like juicy stuff and more often than none, they fail to see the hurt it causes others, but let me tell you one thing! By grace, I've grown too strong to be hurt, because a friend who turns against you for no reason? They have never been a friend, like I said earlier, only GOD can be your true friend, your judge, and a family who sticks together through thick and thin will be your true family, a blessing from God.

We've lost someone I keep dearly in my heart, someone who have help me through life, financially, spiritually even physically. Trust me, I will surely miss him, just sad truth was not given a chance to be spoken, then again, time will always be God's best way of revealing truth.



@nn3 said...

Yes we will always treasure him.

Rebecca Tan said...


BlogFlipper said...

hey bro, I was just flipping some blogs and I across your blog, your talking about the Almighty God alot, are you a Christian? :D

Danl Jun said...

Kor, no matter how, God is our Perfect Judge and He witness everything that is going on in this world. No matter how, we will stand strong for we are standing for the truth.