Pink SKINNY T!!! WOOOT!! hahaha
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Surprise Christmas gift
Had a shocking belated christmas gift from Anne,....
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve?
Hehe, haven't been catching up with the blog lately, have been busy + lazy + when not so busy lazy to type. Went down to singapore on the 17th December, came back on 20th. It was fun really!!! Andy invited my sis who in turn invited Anne and I, so we all went! hehe..
Thanks for the hospitality, totally appriciate it, even though I accidentally dropped his ultra sayang fuji camera.... kekeke
Anyway, Sentosa is fabulous! take a way the kling klang construction, it is still very nice, well managed and fun! Too bad we didn't carry much cash, skipped a few activities there.
Any tourist there would seriously consider their daily unlimited visitor pass for MRT, bus rides! only SG18 with refund of SG10 at the end of the day! WOOOOOOOO!!!
will be getting up some pictures soon, maybe, just maybe i'll post it up! :p
Thanks for the hospitality, totally appriciate it, even though I accidentally dropped his ultra sayang fuji camera.... kekeke
Anyway, Sentosa is fabulous! take a way the kling klang construction, it is still very nice, well managed and fun! Too bad we didn't carry much cash, skipped a few activities there.
Any tourist there would seriously consider their daily unlimited visitor pass for MRT, bus rides! only SG18 with refund of SG10 at the end of the day! WOOOOOOOO!!!
will be getting up some pictures soon, maybe, just maybe i'll post it up! :p
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
1 U
Currently eating BKs at One Utama. Gan drop me here just now, after fixing the 'Fuel Saver' in his car. He is a little bit sceptical, but time should prove its worth (the fuel saver). Jimmy is with me, managed to tap the wireless line of *********....
Kinda lost motivation for work lately, maybe it is the workload? or this or that blah blah...
It is hard to please everyone.....
That's how i feel now
It is hard to please everyone.....
That's how i feel now
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'm currently in ICU, stuck, head's cracking, going through so many phases, yet nothing is working!!! HELP ME!! SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!
The cold air conditioning is causing my nerves to twitch, the lack of sleep is slowly draining my sanity, its cold here.... really cold.......
I've ring the bell, nobody answers, he calls, I ask, he gave me no answer, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON!!!!!!
WHY!!! WHY!! why can't i get JDBC to work on DB2 installed on a UNIX AIX v5.3 server?? WHY WHY WHY!!!!
The cold air conditioning is causing my nerves to twitch, the lack of sleep is slowly draining my sanity, its cold here.... really cold.......
I've ring the bell, nobody answers, he calls, I ask, he gave me no answer, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON!!!!!!
WHY!!! WHY!! why can't i get JDBC to work on DB2 installed on a UNIX AIX v5.3 server?? WHY WHY WHY!!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Maple story
Thanks to my bros, i'm not playing maple story! haha
I'm seriously a big big kid... its fun, 2 d and can be boring at times, that's why we need more people in there!
try la
Download and play wif us, we're in the new world now, called eradinius or something.....
I'm seriously a big big kid... its fun, 2 d and can be boring at times, that's why we need more people in there!
try la
Download and play wif us, we're in the new world now, called eradinius or something.....
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Ah HO part 2
Well to be frank, that video, it was just a^#t*&#$ng so, give him a break ok? Ah ho is OK most of the time, still, he can be very rude and annoying.
Anyway, hope he doesn't mind the video hehehe
Anyway, hope he doesn't mind the video hehehe
Monday, October 06, 2008
Ah Ho
Well he didn't heed my warning, so... 
Take a good look and learn from the best GIRLS!
Like I say, learn from the best...
On a different note, Aunty Lynn gave birth to a healthy baby girl yesterday! I don't have a clear picture, there she is...
On a different note, Aunty Lynn gave birth to a healthy baby girl yesterday! I don't have a clear picture, there she is...
Sunday, October 05, 2008
WOOOO i went cycling wei
Yeap, took the opportunity of holidays to cycle uphill at Anne's place.
Initial goal is to cycle to Summit USJ and back, that would easily be 40km? Can't really remember. But when I took the bike out, wave goodbye to Anne (she was leaving for work with Yen Sun, think that is how to spell her name), changed my mind and decided to try her hill.
NOTE: Anne's hill is one TOUGH HILL!!!!!!
Huff Puff Huff Puff, was at the lowest front gear, and 3rd for the rear..... PUFF PUFF HUFFF!!! WHERE'S MY WATER!!!!!!!!!!!! opps forgot to take my bottle..... nvm, GO ON!!!!
UP UP UP!!! lowered my rear gear to 2nd, and 1st and, ARRGHH SHIT NO MORE GEARS!!!!
WOW!!! i overtook another cyclist, one Indian uncle pushing his MTB (mountain bike) uphill heheheheheheh damn gaya man.
HAHAHA quickly raise all my gears and powered downhill, looked at my Speedometer, "58km/h" hehe....
Overtook a motorbike downhill wei! hahaha. Anyway, don't call the cops, broke the speed limit, the 2 lane Malaysian, downhill road is capped at 50km/h, i peaked at 60 hehehe
Alright, feel proud of myself! since I have to take a rest from futsal this month due to a nagging knee injury, will have to occupy myself with cycling and swimming!
Initial goal is to cycle to Summit USJ and back, that would easily be 40km? Can't really remember. But when I took the bike out, wave goodbye to Anne (she was leaving for work with Yen Sun, think that is how to spell her name), changed my mind and decided to try her hill.
NOTE: Anne's hill is one TOUGH HILL!!!!!!
Huff Puff Huff Puff, was at the lowest front gear, and 3rd for the rear..... PUFF PUFF HUFFF!!! WHERE'S MY WATER!!!!!!!!!!!! opps forgot to take my bottle..... nvm, GO ON!!!!
UP UP UP!!! lowered my rear gear to 2nd, and 1st and, ARRGHH SHIT NO MORE GEARS!!!!
WOW!!! i overtook another cyclist, one Indian uncle pushing his MTB (mountain bike) uphill heheheheheheh damn gaya man.
HAHAHA quickly raise all my gears and powered downhill, looked at my Speedometer, "58km/h" hehe....

Alright, feel proud of myself! since I have to take a rest from futsal this month due to a nagging knee injury, will have to occupy myself with cycling and swimming!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Family Futsal Gathering
I wanted to blog about our saturday family futsal, but munehneh beat me to it. HAHA i'll curi her picture then;

Oh ya you can view my sister's entry here
Oh ya you can view my sister's entry here
Monday, September 22, 2008
My Australia trip
It has been a year since my australia study trip to Queensland, here are some of the pictures. I've lost all my pics because I haven't been able to contact Lee since he graduated.

The group of us, from top left, Ah haw, Marcus, Kiat Siong, Jacob, Man Tat. And bottom from left, Lee, Adil (miss him the most) and me.
Our 6 hours flight to brisbane.
This is in one of the lab, USQ

Japanese park
Japanese park
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Lazy boy
Dang, my bicycle has not been oiled for about a month or so now. Bad weather, haze, rain all contributes to that.
Anyway, I'll try to start some light cycling again soon......
Anyway, I'll try to start some light cycling again soon......
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Our first Pizza Bread baking
It was a holiday for Selangor yesterday, Anne and I were restlest, don't know anything better to do.
In the afternoon we went to MidValley, particularly CIMB bank to open a bank account, got quite frustrated with their slow service, nevertheless got it done.
On the way home, we notice something peculiar..
Haha Anne's car with "My fair Ladies".
Later on we headed to "IKEA" for some shopping ideas and stopped by tesco to get groceries for...
Hehehe, yeap we bought, tomato puree, cheeeeeeeSSZZEEEEE, bread, sausage, bacon.....
Anne posing with her product hehe
In the afternoon we went to MidValley, particularly CIMB bank to open a bank account, got quite frustrated with their slow service, nevertheless got it done.
On the way home, we notice something peculiar..
Later on we headed to "IKEA" for some shopping ideas and stopped by tesco to get groceries for...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My first Fire Fly experience

Fireflyz, a sub company of the reknown MAS (Mana Ada System) translated, Where Got System??..
If you remember the previous post, we took FIREFLYZ! to Kuala Terengganu town. The flight was OK, really, besides the funny smell.....
There was ample leg room even for a tall guy like me.
Our return flight was scheduled for 3pm initially, when we got the confirmation mail, it was delayed to 10pm, a day before the flight, i received a call that it has been cancelled due to "maintenance"...

Probably they cancel the flight because there were not enough passengers and gave a lame excuse the propellers need changing. YA RITE!!!!
BENGANG!!! Make me spend extra staying at KT town, worst, there wasn't any ATM at sight and I was totally LOW!!!!
Thank God manage to survive..........
Oh yeah, the landing is abit rough, please be ready if your willing to take the risk haha
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Today is a total disaster, everything was dumped to my lap because the people in charge is:
already 6.24pm it means HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!
- On leave la
- Outstation la
- Pangsaing la
already 6.24pm it means HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
My Lot
Quite a cool concept here, My lot;
It's a forum based online community, WHATEVER LA! People claim to make money from it, so lets give it a try! lol
Lets see if we can earn some money together!
Ignore this link
myLot User Profile
It's a forum based online community, WHATEVER LA! People claim to make money from it, so lets give it a try! lol
Lets see if we can earn some money together!
Ignore this link
myLot User Profile
This is sick, have to work through VPN (virtual private network) and the c0nnection sucks to the MAX! It is so freaking slow it takes 5 mins just to save a freaking small change!
Had a wonderful day yesterday, church in the morning, totally enjoyed it, though slept late watching 1/2 of MC vs Chelsea game, still could maintain a bright concentration throughout the service.
Played futsal at night and scored another bomb (yeah have been doing that lately). Felt tired after that, due to excessive weight + lack of sleep + i've played a game of futsal on saturday too!
I would say, the highlight was watching my bros singing to a girl over MSN, wow.....
Had a wonderful day yesterday, church in the morning, totally enjoyed it, though slept late watching 1/2 of MC vs Chelsea game, still could maintain a bright concentration throughout the service.
Played futsal at night and scored another bomb (yeah have been doing that lately). Felt tired after that, due to excessive weight + lack of sleep + i've played a game of futsal on saturday too!
I would say, the highlight was watching my bros singing to a girl over MSN, wow.....
Me First Tag
Tag #1
The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
I don't like to work
I wish I can just sit at home and earn money
I love to do things with my gf
Always look forward to holidays
Like to eat :p
Can't sleep past 9am
Can't think too much
Enjoy being a Christian (bestest)
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
Tag #2
Remove 1 question below, and add in your personal question to make it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 8 people in your links list at the end of the post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. How many children do you want?
Hehe too personal
2. What do you want the most now?
Government declares public holiday tomorrow
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?
already grown
4. If you can have one more dream come true, what would it be?
This world is free of bugs (buggers started appearing when my neigbour shifted in!)
5. What are you afraid to lose now?
6. Do you believe in being in love forever?
Love? Define Love bay beh
7. If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
yeah I'm a guy
8. What would you do when you're feeling down and depressed?
talk to my gf
9. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Supportive and understands me
10. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Back Stabbers, hypocrites
11. Do you cherish every single of your friendships?
12. Do you believe in God?
13. Do you find it necessary for you to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Since got created Adam with a partner, lets say we all need a partner in life
14. What do you want your friends to be like?
as long as they don't back stab
16. If you can have a change, which part of your character would you like to change?
character? hrmm no idea, but physical, that buldge hehe
17. If you're feeling low one day, who will you go to?
1st God then talk to my gf
18. Would you die in order to save the ones you love?
Not sure, and wouldn't want to know
20. Would you learn something new just for the sake that your friend love it.
(if ur tagged please answer it haha)
People whom i tag:
err... i don't think i have any friends to tag for now....
The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
I don't like to work
I wish I can just sit at home and earn money
I love to do things with my gf
Always look forward to holidays
Like to eat :p
Can't sleep past 9am
Can't think too much
Enjoy being a Christian (bestest)
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
Tag #2
Remove 1 question below, and add in your personal question to make it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 8 people in your links list at the end of the post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. How many children do you want?
Hehe too personal
2. What do you want the most now?
Government declares public holiday tomorrow
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?
already grown
4. If you can have one more dream come true, what would it be?
This world is free of bugs (buggers started appearing when my neigbour shifted in!)
5. What are you afraid to lose now?
6. Do you believe in being in love forever?
Love? Define Love bay beh
7. If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
yeah I'm a guy
8. What would you do when you're feeling down and depressed?
talk to my gf
9. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Supportive and understands me
10. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Back Stabbers, hypocrites
11. Do you cherish every single of your friendships?
12. Do you believe in God?
13. Do you find it necessary for you to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Since got created Adam with a partner, lets say we all need a partner in life
14. What do you want your friends to be like?
as long as they don't back stab
16. If you can have a change, which part of your character would you like to change?
character? hrmm no idea, but physical, that buldge hehe
17. If you're feeling low one day, who will you go to?
1st God then talk to my gf
18. Would you die in order to save the ones you love?
Not sure, and wouldn't want to know
20. Would you learn something new just for the sake that your friend love it.
(if ur tagged please answer it haha)
People whom i tag:
err... i don't think i have any friends to tag for now....
Saturday, September 13, 2008
B4 n AFta
Thank munehneh for her brilliant post.
Anyway, here's a few pictures from the Redang trip, a little late, but at least something right?

Yaiks I can't find any better pictures to describe the fun we had. A little story to go with.
Wesley, Mavis, Anne and I, took a Firefly
to Kuala Terengganu in Terengganu!

From there, we took the berjaya transfer services to their jetty, forgot how much we paid for the fare really. After that, booked the ferry ride, IT WAS A FREAKIN RM100 JUST FOR A FREAKIN BOAT RIDE!!!!!
The ferry ride was *YAWN* boring, we found something to do though;

The Berjaya Resort to me is a little commercialized now, it felt like a small town in there. The subsequent bus ride took us to the Berjaya Beach Resort, it was a BEAUTY! Said to be a '****' hotel (4 star), the first impression was pretty WHOA! The only problem, those people left our luggae at the Berjaya Spa (don't ask me what it is) and claim our booking is for the Spa resort. Wesley and Mavis had a good time sharpening their nego skills and manage to get us the room we wanted, KUDUS!!! They gave us a room and we cramped into it.
PSST, the room looks 1 star only......
Imediately we took off for our first snorkeling trip, the beach of that resort. The beach is totally void, with only sand, white sand, sand, whiter sand, sand sand and SAND! It was not until we wenture towards the outskirt of the lagoon that corals start appearing. It was half dead corals really, wanted to continue but Anne started to get sea sick and we turn back.
That night, we went out to makan and found a sign board, "JOE GLAMER", called him up and got ourself a deal for the next day's activity.
Woke up early and ate Bread + tuna and more Bread + Tuna. Waited for JOE GLAMER to come.
We were taken to a total of 5 stops. Started with a place called 'I forgot', nothing much to see there.
I was the first to plunge with a 1/2 somersault, difficulty, 1.0, judges score? I guess average 5.0!

Anyway, it was early in the morning, so jellyfish were everywhere!
Next up we stop by the Marine Park. It was the most anticipated place for Wesley and Me, got fond memories wei!
It was totally BLUEKS....... Too many people, got my head kicked by some crazy people who don't know how to swim..... *complain* *more complain* ... and FINALLY!!! I saw what I wanted to see, the Murray EEL!!! kakakakakakakakka Appy wei.

Anne couldn't join me because of her Sea Sickness, but later braved it and had a short swim to view the sunken ship, yeap there's a carcass of a ship there. Anyway, we spotted a really huge angry Trigger Fish.

Wakakakak careful of this creature babe, they BITE!!! Seriously, they have been known to be ultra aggressive, especially if the nest is around.
After that, we were fed with turtle watching, just further out of Marine Park, the boat man dropped us and told us to turtle watch. Exciting, we spotted a few turtles, some were HUGE!
I tried to catch one of them, but with a single flick, it out swam me!! MALUNYA!!!

They were green turtles, wonderful creatures.
After that, we were treated by beautiful untouched corals at Pulau Paku, the corals here is 9.9 out of 10!

We later stop by Panjang beach, and ate lunch at Redang Bay resort, Memories MEMORIES!! It was the first time I found out Anne like me hehehe. I've blogged about this trip here. Alright, the images you see there might be disturbing!
Last stop is Redang Berjaya Beach Resort. By the way, all the images were taken by my trusty Canon EOS SLR camera;
Which I plan to get sometime in the future hehe.
Later that evening, we treated ourselves with buffet dinner worth RM70+++++++ (can't remember exact price again!). Not bad, nothing less you can expect after paying so much.
We cham whore ab it after that, right up to the next morning and boarded the ferry to KT town.

Totally enjoyable hehe.
Anyway, here's a few pictures from the Redang trip, a little late, but at least something right?
Yaiks I can't find any better pictures to describe the fun we had. A little story to go with.
Wesley, Mavis, Anne and I, took a Firefly
to Kuala Terengganu in Terengganu!

From there, we took the berjaya transfer services to their jetty, forgot how much we paid for the fare really. After that, booked the ferry ride, IT WAS A FREAKIN RM100 JUST FOR A FREAKIN BOAT RIDE!!!!!
The ferry ride was *YAWN* boring, we found something to do though;
The Berjaya Resort to me is a little commercialized now, it felt like a small town in there. The subsequent bus ride took us to the Berjaya Beach Resort, it was a BEAUTY! Said to be a '****' hotel (4 star), the first impression was pretty WHOA! The only problem, those people left our luggae at the Berjaya Spa (don't ask me what it is) and claim our booking is for the Spa resort. Wesley and Mavis had a good time sharpening their nego skills and manage to get us the room we wanted, KUDUS!!! They gave us a room and we cramped into it.
PSST, the room looks 1 star only......
Imediately we took off for our first snorkeling trip, the beach of that resort. The beach is totally void, with only sand, white sand, sand, whiter sand, sand sand and SAND! It was not until we wenture towards the outskirt of the lagoon that corals start appearing. It was half dead corals really, wanted to continue but Anne started to get sea sick and we turn back.
That night, we went out to makan and found a sign board, "JOE GLAMER", called him up and got ourself a deal for the next day's activity.
Woke up early and ate Bread + tuna and more Bread + Tuna. Waited for JOE GLAMER to come.
We were taken to a total of 5 stops. Started with a place called 'I forgot', nothing much to see there.
I was the first to plunge with a 1/2 somersault, difficulty, 1.0, judges score? I guess average 5.0!

Anyway, it was early in the morning, so jellyfish were everywhere!
Next up we stop by the Marine Park. It was the most anticipated place for Wesley and Me, got fond memories wei!
It was totally BLUEKS....... Too many people, got my head kicked by some crazy people who don't know how to swim..... *complain* *more complain* ... and FINALLY!!! I saw what I wanted to see, the Murray EEL!!! kakakakakakakakka Appy wei.

Anne couldn't join me because of her Sea Sickness, but later braved it and had a short swim to view the sunken ship, yeap there's a carcass of a ship there. Anyway, we spotted a really huge angry Trigger Fish.

Wakakakak careful of this creature babe, they BITE!!! Seriously, they have been known to be ultra aggressive, especially if the nest is around.
After that, we were fed with turtle watching, just further out of Marine Park, the boat man dropped us and told us to turtle watch. Exciting, we spotted a few turtles, some were HUGE!
I tried to catch one of them, but with a single flick, it out swam me!! MALUNYA!!!

They were green turtles, wonderful creatures.
After that, we were treated by beautiful untouched corals at Pulau Paku, the corals here is 9.9 out of 10!

We later stop by Panjang beach, and ate lunch at Redang Bay resort, Memories MEMORIES!! It was the first time I found out Anne like me hehehe. I've blogged about this trip here. Alright, the images you see there might be disturbing!
Last stop is Redang Berjaya Beach Resort. By the way, all the images were taken by my trusty Canon EOS SLR camera;

Later that evening, we treated ourselves with buffet dinner worth RM70+++++++ (can't remember exact price again!). Not bad, nothing less you can expect after paying so much.
We cham whore ab it after that, right up to the next morning and boarded the ferry to KT town.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Call me crazy, dungu, watever! I'm HIGH NOW!!! (malaysian yingelish).
Just came back from a 3 days 2 night (turned 4 days 3 night) trip to Pulau Redang. Thanks to my good friend, Wee, four (including me) stayed at Berjaya Beach resort in Pulau Redang!! WEEEEEEEE.
Enjoyed turtle swimming the most! hahaha, too high to post anything else.
Once the pics from wee's camera is ready, I'll update
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Are u Ready?
Dang, it's almost 10 pm now, I'm supposed to be sleeping, but due to me own restlessness, increase in blood pressure (work pressure), here I am. Once again, I must lament, me life has been work work work and WORK!!!
Anywayz, noticez how badz me english has become? that's what happen when you get
"Undefined is undefined"
error everyday of your working life. Anyway, I don't get that, maybe just a few
"" or "" error that pops up now and then, and suddenly, I have to add a code (in red)
for xx=1:1:$L(lala) {w "OH SHIT! IT's LOOP NO: "_x_"and i think this "_$G(lala(x))_" value is undefined" }
see what work is doing to me?? i think i'm loosing my $G(head)
Anywayz, noticez how badz me english has become? that's what happen when you get
"Undefined is undefined"
error everyday of your working life. Anyway, I don't get that, maybe just a few
for xx=1:1:$L(lala) {w "OH SHIT! IT's LOOP NO: "_x_"and i think this "_$G(lala(x))_" value is undefined" }
see what work is doing to me?? i think i'm loosing my $G(head)
Monday, April 07, 2008
It's been about a week now since the trip to Langkawi, well, here are some pictures;
Some rich man Jetty on the way to Langkawi Cable car. Too bad the cable car was closed for maintenance, so we headed to Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls instead.
Seriously though, if you're not fit, please don't attemp this place, the climb was steep, and mosquito filled!

It was a nice place though, caught a chinese couple arguing near the waterfalls.
Next up, we detoured towards Datai Lama. We drove aimlessly, hoping to find something, when my phone rang, It seems I'm now connected to Thailand's Network.....
Anyway, we stopped by Andaman Hotel for a while. I felt like a foreigner there, all the guest were guai lous.

The beach was nothing to shout about, brown sands, no corals, nothing much, just a very grand Hotel.
After that, we headed to Kuah Town for dinner, we had a simple dinner, salted fish nasi lemak. By the way, Kuah town boast of cheap stuff, yeap the chocolates were cheap, clothes were cheap too, a little bit outdated, yet still cheap. Bought an England training UMBRO jersey for RM19!
We stopped by Langkawi Fair, nothing much really.
The next day, we booked a ticket for island hopping. We rode a high speed catamaran, to 3 locations.
First was Dayang Bunting, translated means, Pregnant Mermaid. It was named because of the landscape, looks like a pregnant lady. Someone in the boat commented;
"There's the boobs, and there's the tummy!!"
Sorry, the picture I took wasn't conclusive.
This island is famous for a lake in the middle of it. Well, the lake was huge, but nothing much, just a long walk towards it.
A nice indian couple helped us with this picture.
Next up, was eagle feeding. Nothing much once again.

The last location was nothing to shout about too, a swimming island I would say, no corals, no nothing, just tonnes of sand fly bitting all over your body!

Later that day, we decided to try out cable car again, WHOALA! It was open! Undoubtedly the best part of the Langkawi trip, besides the food, and the shopping, and the corn on my leg due to long hours on the shopping mall, yeap, cable car, loved it!

No need to comment, go and enjoy it for yourself! We stopped by Pantai Cenang in the evening for dinner. Parked our car somewhere and walked down the streets. Once again, it was filled with guai lous.
We stopped by a restaurant called "Ikan Bakar". To be frank, it is a highly recommended food stop, by "Jacob" and "Anne". We ordered a simple Nasi Goreng, and Grilled Baracuda Fillet, both taste GREAT!

Those shots are the view from the restaurant, yes it is a seaside restaurant, somewhere I wouldn't mind going back. Too bad, there were too many "visible" fishing boats a few miles offshore, or else it would have been prettier.
I will try to find some time to post about the cable car soon. That's all for now
Next up, we detoured towards Datai Lama. We drove aimlessly, hoping to find something, when my phone rang, It seems I'm now connected to Thailand's Network.....
After that, we headed to Kuah Town for dinner, we had a simple dinner, salted fish nasi lemak. By the way, Kuah town boast of cheap stuff, yeap the chocolates were cheap, clothes were cheap too, a little bit outdated, yet still cheap. Bought an England training UMBRO jersey for RM19!
We stopped by Langkawi Fair, nothing much really.
The next day, we booked a ticket for island hopping. We rode a high speed catamaran, to 3 locations.
First was Dayang Bunting, translated means, Pregnant Mermaid. It was named because of the landscape, looks like a pregnant lady. Someone in the boat commented;
"There's the boobs, and there's the tummy!!"
Sorry, the picture I took wasn't conclusive.
Next up, was eagle feeding. Nothing much once again.
The last location was nothing to shout about too, a swimming island I would say, no corals, no nothing, just tonnes of sand fly bitting all over your body!
We stopped by a restaurant called "Ikan Bakar". To be frank, it is a highly recommended food stop, by "Jacob" and "Anne". We ordered a simple Nasi Goreng, and Grilled Baracuda Fillet, both taste GREAT!
I will try to find some time to post about the cable car soon. That's all for now
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I'm soooo soooo excited now, for the first time in my life, I'll be heading to Langkawi! YAY!! WEEE!!!!!
So excited I forgot to pack, alright .. Checklist;
So excited I forgot to pack, alright .. Checklist;
- Camera
- Camera charger
- snorkel set
- toothbrush
- slippers
- shirts
- short pants
- more pants
- more shirts
That's about it I guess, it is only a 3 day 2 night stay. I've drafted out a schedule too, enjoy, eat, eat, enjoy, shop, enjoy, eat, eat and eat
oh before I forget, better pack my undies too
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Life's been hectic for me!
Can't really blog now because I'm still working, yeap already 12 midnight and still sitting down touching up some codes for the portal I built for a POC, yeah all that just for a POC.
Anyway, to keep my log going, here are some pictures of what I did the past month or so
Can't really blog now because I'm still working, yeap already 12 midnight and still sitting down touching up some codes for the portal I built for a POC, yeah all that just for a POC.
Anyway, to keep my log going, here are some pictures of what I did the past month or so
Yeap I still cycled, quite a distance covered actually!
Do you see the little black car at the back? That's me. Very unlucky that day, not only I got the slowest car, I was blocked by dangerous drivers that swerved all around me. Anyway finished the race 4th, not bad eh?
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